You Know You’re An Entrepreneur When…
When picking a baby name, you’re first checking to see if the domain is available.
When at an event, you’re counting how many people are in the room, what the host is charging and how much is being made
When... you can't relax at a café because you're too busy thinking how you'd improve their business model.
When... your dream vacation involves Wi-Fi strong enough for Zoom calls.
When... you carry a notebook everywhere because you never know when a million-dollar idea will strike.
When... you’ve turned your living room into an assembly line.
When... you judge the success of a holiday by how many business ideas you came up with.
When... your favorite TV show is Shark Tank, but you're secretly pitching the ideas in your head.
When... you hear 'ROI' in a casual conversation and can’t help but chime in.
When... you buy groceries and start calculating the ROI on your shopping list.
When... you think "Monday morning" is the best time of the week.
When... you evaluate hobbies based on their potential to become a side hustle.
When... you've pitched a business idea to your Uber driver on more than one occasion.
When... your idea of ‘small talk’ is asking someone if they’ve thought about monetizing their passion.
When... you analyze every product you buy, wondering how they keep their costs so low.
When... you see challenges as 'growth opportunities' instead of problems.
When... you have hundreds of domain names for ‘future business ideas’.
When… you get excited for a road triproadtrip because it means you can catch up on all your favorite business podcasts.
When… you get confused by someone talking about ‘retirement’.
When… you check your phone in the middle of the night to see how your latest post or campaign is performing.
When… you find yourself explaining the concept of passive income at a family dinner.
When… you immediately do a search on Alibaba when your kids talk about the hottest new toys
When… you’re more intrigued by the product placements in a movie than the movie itself
When… you start thinking about how to turn common expenses into a new business
When… words like “automation,” “scalability,” and “passive income” make your heart flutter with excitement
When… you’re constantly asking yourself, “Is this scalable?”
When… your bookshelf is 99% non-fiction business and self-help books
When… you hire a videographer to capture family trips for “social content”
When… you create a new IG account the moment your kids show interest in any new hobby or sport.
When… you celebrate client results like most people celebrate their favorite sports team.
When… the idea of being ‘unemployable” sounds like a compliment
When… your spouse suggests a vacation spot and you immediately start thinking about what you could do on the trip so you could write it off.
When… your family getaways are a few days added on to an upcoming conference.
When… your calendar is scheduled around promotions.
When… you see opportunities when others see problems.