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📣 Will your idea for a membership work? [Take the quiz!]

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Memorize These 3 Questions

Memorize These 3 Questions

What if it doesn't work?

That question has stopped more potential entrepreneurs than anything else.  Because the moment your brain latches on, it starts looking for all the reasons not to move forward with the idea.

But if you want to change your life, try asking these three questions:

QUESTION 1). What if it does work? What would it make possible?

Use this power combo to get your brain thinking about possibility.  Focus on what you DO want.

I'm a firm believer that the more you think about the best case scenario, the more your brain starts looking for ways to make it happen.

And research backs this up thanks to something referred to as the “frequency illusion”.  It’s something you’ve probably experienced whenever you purchase a new car.  Isn’t it interesting that all of a sudden you start to notice that model a lot more everywhere you go?

That’s the “frequency illusion”.  It’s a cognitive bias that occurs because of selective attention and confirmation bias.  Once something becomes relevant to you, your brain primes itself to notice that information more frequently in your environment. In reality, the actual frequency hasn't changed; rather, your brain has started filtering and prioritizing related stimuli.

So I say, let’s put that to good use!

Let’s focus on what we DO want and use our brains to selectively process the world around us so that it influences our decisions and perceptions in a positive way.  A way that works FOR us and not against us.

QUESTION 2). How could we make this happen?

When you start asking a "how" question, your brain starts trying to connect the dots.  

A few years back, my wife and I were traveling through the U.K. and while in the airport, Amy saw this beautiful leather jacket.  It was $1700 - well outside of our "spontaneous shopping budget".

But this is where Amy got creative.  She asked "how could I make enough money to buy the jacket when we stop here again on our way home?"

She had 2 weeks to figure it out and her brain instantly started providing answers.  

Ultimately she came up with the idea of reselling some jewelry from a place in Kenya that we were about to visit.  We usually picked some up as gifts, and this time, Amy put it out on her social media and had a bunch of people express interest.  It led to sales which led to her earning just over $2K - more than enough to purchase the jacket.

That was made possible because she asked herself a powerful “how” question.  You can do the same.

How could you make XYZ happen?

3). What's one tiny step you could take today to begin building momentum?

When we have a big idea, we can often get overwhelmed by what to do next. It can feel so big that we freeze.  So one of the keys is to make the big, small.

My dear friend and mentor Michael Hyatt taught me this when it comes to writing a book.  On day 1, his first step is to simply create a new document.  That's it.  Just the new document with a working title.  Then on day 2, he looks to create a rough outline.  He's building momentum in the tiniest of ways.

BJ Fogg, a Stanford professor wrote about this in his New York Times Bestselling book “Tiny Habits”.  The whole principle is that small changes change everything.

Same goes for you.

Keep things super simple.  What's the smallest step you could take today?

If you had to keep things SUPER simple, what would you do right now?

We use this same idea when teaching our students to do their Founding Member Launch.  In fact, we strip away all the complexity like having to create a sales page, videos or multi-step marketing campaign and bring it back to essentials - a simple message to your audience.

It's so simple that after hearing about it, people literally take action on it later that day.

And do you know what's amazing about that?

Within hours of hearing about it, they often have people signing up to join a membership that moments before was “just an idea”.

In fact, I just spoke to a woman in our community (Linda) who has a membership helping banking professionals.  It started with a Founding Member Launch where she welcomed 2 members.  Now you might be thinking... "is it worth it for 2 members?"

Well, 4 years later, she's about to cross the $1M/yr milestone.  So yeh, I'd say it was worth it.

When you take action (even if it's baby steps or imperfect action), you build momentum.  And in the great words of Nelson Mandela...

"I never lose.  I either win or I learn"

Even if you don't get the result you want, the good news is, you haven't invested a lot of time, energy or money.  But you have gained some SUPER valuable intel... what the market is going to respond to.

So in this case, you don't need to go and create a bunch of content.  You don't need to create a membership site.  And you don't need any fancy videos.  Just a simple message that can be created in a few minutes.

Make it easy for yourself.  Ask "what's one tiny step I can take TODAY?"

The bottom line is this...

Your brain is powerful.  So use it.  Put it to good use.  Start asking questions that get it working for you rather than against you.

1). What if it does work?  What would that make possible?

2). How could we make this happen?

3). What's one tiny step I could take today?
