There are countless ways to use Searchie and Searchie Hubs in your business. Some of them we know...
6 Ways To Use Searchie That You’ve Never Thought Of Before
In our humble opinion, we tackle some pretty critical (and super effective) ways to use Searchie: Coaching calls, online courses, membership sites, podcasts, marketing videos, sales meetings, virtual classrooms… just to name a few.
The thing is, there are hundreds of other unique ways to use Searchie, and package and deliver your audio and video content with Searchie Hubs!
In this blog, we’re diving deep and naming a few… unorthodox, but highly effective use cases for you to try out, both in your business and daily life.
So if you’re creating any type of audio or video content for your business, then this is for you.
Less is MORE
We don’t claim to do everything, but Searchie just might be capable of doing more than you think. You might even be able to nix a software subscription or two by the end of reading this blog. No promises, but you might.
At the end of the day, we pride ourselves on the content experience. Every successful online starts with video, and Searchie allows you to create a custom tailored experience the easy way… without an expensive developer.
Landing Pages
The name says it all, a landing page is where visitors… well, ‘land’. A landing page is typically a page on your website that is standalone and used specifically for marketing purposes.
For example, if someone wants to download a free PDF or register for an upcoming event, a landing page is a great way to do that.
Your Hub home page can serve this purpose if you are looking for a quick, drag and drop style solution. You can add a custom domain too, just like any other landing page or website builder.
Don’t forget your CTA (that’s a Call To Action)!
Which brings us to the next use case…
What’s an opt-in?
Essentially, people find you somewhere on social media or Google, and you have a special gift for them… You have the solution to a specific problem that they have!
Lucky for them, you are willing to share it with them. In exchange for the solution, they need to give you their name, email, phone number, etc.
For example, Membership Expert, Stu McLaren, has a whole series around membership tips. He asked a bunch of high level membership site owners one question: “What is your #1 strategy for growing your membership site?”
And then, he took all their video responses and packaged them into a video series. Plus, he added a downloadable PDF so that people can read through their responses.
This is an example of an opt-in. In this case, people are looking to grow their membership and Stu and his team created this free video series and PDF to help them get there. The only thing is… they need to provide a little bit of information.
You can check it out at
To capture your visitors attention (and information), you need to give them some sort of instant gratification… also known as, give them something for free.
Here are some examples since (we’re assuming) you asked:
If you host an online course, use the Searchie Chrome Extension to create a video for your opt-in ad, showing off the ability to SEARCH within your online course in Searchie.
You can also include a free worksheet, like a template, spreadsheet, challenge or how-to guide.
Access to a free webinar or online workshop is great too. You can follow up with leads by sending a recording with Searchie transcriptions and captions.
Sales Pages
Uh-hem, remember when we said you might be able to slash another software?
This is what we’re getting at, but don’t get ahead of yourself.
Depending on your business volume and needs, you might need a software that is more robust in this particular area. We know our strengths, but with that being said, if you’re starting out and testing the water (on a budget), then this is a great way to make the most of your membership or digital course with Searchie, and check one more item off of your list!
Take for instance Jerry Potter, Social Media Coach, Creator & Speaker. He’s helping overwhelmed business owners streamline their social media.
We think that’s super cool, and apparently we’re not the only ones! You can learn more about Jerry’s story in his podcast episode for It’s A Tribe Thing: Unlikely Entrepreneur Gives Peers the Power to Build Profitable Businesses. GO JERRY!
Check out the sales page that he’s whipped up for The Two Laura’s! All completely inside Searchie Hubs.
Personal Use
That’s right folks, it’s not all business, all the time! Searchie Hubs can be used in your day to day life as well. So much so, that you might find your Hubs ideas adding up quicker than you can count.
If you’re feeling inspired by this blog but aren’t already on the Business Plan, please refer to #2 in the 5 Reasons Why You Should Join The Business Plan.
In all seriousness though, regulations for travel and visiting loved ones is a bit unpredictable. Keep reading to see how the Searchie Community (and team!) are using Hubs to stay connected. Queue warm and fuzzy feeling!

Family Videos
First off, we LOVE when our members share their amazing ideas and creative uses for Searchie. If you aren’t a member of our private Facebook group, go ahead and join the Searchie Community real quick.
You’ll be a part of a network, surrounded by other business savvy creatives with great ideas like this one:

School Events
This one has been tried and true by one of our Founders!
Here’s the scenario: A pandemic has hit, but there are a few dozen adorable kindergarteners that are eager to put on a Christmas concert. What do you do?
The answer is, make a Searchie Hub!
Whether it’s kindergarten, prom or graduation day, have your class submit their video recordings to include inside of a Searchie Hub. Organize different Playlists for classes, grades, or make a separate Hub for each group!
Don’t forget about Searchie’s native Canva integration too. It makes customizing your Hub easy, so you can create tailored thumbnail designs to suit any occasion.
Special Events
Hands up if you’ve attended a virtual wedding in the past 365 days?
Maybe even a gender reveal or baby shower? Anniversary? We’ll assume you’ve answered yes to one of those.
How did it go?!
Virtual events can be super fun, but where are the event photos?
Chances are if someone attempted a group photo via screenshot, it isn’t the best quality.
We’d even dare to say it probably wasn’t flattering for 50% of the people in it.
Time to level up! The goal is to remember the special day and who shared it with you. Ditch the crumby screenshots and collect personalized video messages.
If you’re hosting the event, simply ask your loved ones to send in their video messages, upload to Searchie, then create a special Hub for you and your guests to access.
Remember, Searchie has handy privacy settings, so you can keep it in the family.

Have another idea? Let’s hear it!
Show us your #SearchieStyle in the Facebook Group or on Instagram. Tag Searchie in your post when you share your innovative Hubs use cases.
See you in the comments!