
How To Host Your Knowledge & Information Business In A Searchie Hub And Why You Should

Written by paulina | Nov 12, 2021 3:00:00 PM

Do you want to know how to host your knowledge and information business in a Searchie Hub? We’re walking you through exactly how to get started and why you should…

Do you have a gift, knowledge, or expertise to share with the world?

Do you want to get paid to share it?

Maybe you’ve already built an audience, and they’re looking for more from you?

They want to learn from you. And they want you to teach them what you know.

If you’re anything like us, you want to help your people get better results and make more progress with what you teach.

Who wouldn’t want that… right?

*drum roll* 

Introducing…  Searchie Hubs.  

This is a feature inside of Searchie, the video hosting and content management platform. With Searchie Hubs, you can build a customized and tailored content experience that is everything your audience needs and more. 

What’s the secret sauce, you might ask. First off, the entire platform is really easy to use, and you don’t need to be a techie to set it all up. Then, there are a bunch of automations that you can hook up to cut back on your processes and workflows, and spend more time on actually helping your people make progress and get results.

And then there’s another thing that Searchie does very, very well (*hint-hint* it’s in our name)… 

All your video and audio content hosted on the Hub is searchable by word spoken. Yea, it’s super cool.

Let’s just say you decide to shout… “Coconuts!” in the middle of your recording, right before you drop some exciting news or a juicy tidbit about what you’re teaching. Your audience can then type in ‘coconuts’ and be brought to the exact second you said the word. 

Why is this so important? 

Well, if video or audio content plays a large role in your offerings, then Searchie Hubs will be a perfect fit for your business. Cool, okay, but that’s still pretty ambiguous. So let’s dive into how a “tailored content experience” can take hold and why hosting your business in a Searchie Hub is a no-brainer.


Start Your Own Membership Site

What we know to be true is that people love a community. We’re social people! 

But when people want to invest and learn a skill, they know they have to get down to business. With endless distractions and numerous resources, it’s a given that our media content can be really hard to focus on. Reducing content overwhelm is our bread and butter, and soon it’ll be yours too. 

Membership sites hosted on Searchie Hubs benefit from a high degree of organization, customization, and simplicity. And what do those lead into? Progress. Real, trackable progress. And no one has ever complained about making too much progress.


Package Your Content Into A Digital Course

It’s hard to reimagine learning institutions when they’re older than Aristotle and his Lyceum. We’re not claiming to come close to Ancient Greece, but we do think that we have a pretty intimate understanding of how people learn. 

With audience segmentation and the ability to easily tailor the content experience for each student, Searchie Hubs can redefine how personable, specific, and customized course content can be. That’s why thousands of users have chosen Searchie Hubs to host courses for people of all ages, markets, industries, and levels of expertise. 

We know how addicting the Netflix algorithm can be, it’s how we end binge-watching show after show. here’s no reason why your course content shouldn’t deliver the same type of impact. 

Your own personal Netflix featuring your audio or video content: what more could a student want? Here’s what we’re talking about.


Offer A Group Or 1-On-1 Coaching Program

Do you provide online coaching for 1-on-1 or 1-on-group clients? Maybe you find it difficult to keep your clients engaged and excited with consuming your content. Guess what? There isn’t a cookie-cutter answer to this… there are millions of coaching styles out there, as well as niche topics. 

The beauty of creating a business in a Searchie Hub is that you can customize your user experience to suit YOUR style and audience. 

For the sake of keeping things simple, we’ve created a simple scenario from the perspective of a Mathematics Tutor:

Math can be a surprisingly touchy subject. This is why it’s the perfect subject for a coaching program. If you find math hard, then how you experience math will most definitely make a difference. This Searchie Hub holds a math program that reimagines math as fun and engaging.

With the Searchie media player catering to a variety of learning styles, members can consume your coaching call replays and bonus content in a way that speaks to them. 

Not only that, you can also organize any workbooks and other text-based documents according to topic and lesson. All we’re saying is if math homework looked like this in school, we could’ve been the next Einstein… well, maybe not. But we definitely would have paid more attention!.


Host A Podcast

The thing about podcasts is that they are largely inaccessible. Most audio players don’t include captions or transcripts. And once you listen to an episode, it’s nearly impossible to go back to a specific point and listen to it again (unless you jotted down that time code).

Audio files added to your Searchie account are automatically transcribed: meaning it doesn’t cost anything extra to make your podcast more accessible. Transcripts are available almost immediately after uploading and processing. And that’s a beautiful thing!

Searchie Hubs can also be a surprisingly powerful tool when it comes to audio content. 

In addition to making your content accessible, you can also track analytics for your episodes. Not only will you be able to see what podcast episodes are the most popular, but you can also see what terms and topics your listeners searched for. This is an absolute power move when it comes to creating more content: you can filter through the noise to find what content your audience wants more of. 

Want a quick tip for up-leveling podcasts while hosting your business in a Searchie Hub?

You can easily grab your podcast URL, pop it into Searchie, and then create a searchable database for all your episodes. Membership Expert Stu McLaren did exactly that for his Marketing Your Business podcast. Go ahead. Click the link and search for a term… and you’ll be taken to the exact moment in an episode where Stu talks about the topic. Try “searchie” for example. 😉


Create A Training Platform For Your Business In A Searchie Hub

Here at Searchie, it’s a given that we use Searchie Hubs to actually teach people about Searchie Hubs. Meta? Yes. Life changing? Also yes. 

There’s no better way to learn about a platform than experiential learning. Just check out these demo Hubs to see what we’re talking about. Organizing dozens of training videos is really easy in Searchie Hubs since you can arrange them by playlists. With organized videos, your members are less likely to get overwhelmed and more likely to find and watch what they’re actually interested in. 

The search bar at the top of the page really simplifies content navigation. And did we mention the analytics? Since you can see what people search for, you can gain deep insights into what people struggle with and revisit the most. 

Powerful? Yes. 

Mind-blowing? Also yes.


Start Your Own Business Blog

Repurposing existing media content is one of the best kept secrets of the membership business. Give your content new life by repurposing it into a blog post. This gives your audience more accessibility and an additional way to consume content you already know converts. 

Searchie’s automatic transcription feature makes it incredibly easy to spontaneously spin up a blog post in minutes! Host your business blog inside a Searchie Hub. Then, using Column Sections, mix and match your blog’s content using text, image, video, and line break elements.

Don’t be scared to get creative! We love leaning on our Canva integration to make an otherwise text-heavy Hub page really POP. Uplevel the look and feel of your business blog by creating captivating design elements in Canva, while keeping on-brand using the brand kit feature. 

If you host your business in a Searchie Hub, the brand kit will be a huge time saver when it comes to updating thumbnails and other graphics throughout your Hub and media content. 

Need some inspiration? Check out this super zen-like blog that our team whipped up in under 20 minutes! 


Thanks for reading about how to host your business in a Searchie Hub!

So, what’s the bottom line here? The bottom line is this: if you have video content, Searchie Hubs will hold it, nurture it, and grow it. 

Interested in seeing real-life examples of Searchie Hubs? 

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